TANYA R., Los Angeles CA

how do i leave a review & rating on Google?
Add a rating and review for Wolfgang & Isabella
On your computer, open Google
Make sure you're signed into your Gmail | Google account
Search for Wolfgang and Isabella Candles if the link to the right is not working.
Click "Write a Review"
In the window that appears, click the stars to rate us (hopefully 5 stars!!). Then, also write a review...You can add a photo of our candles too!
Click "Post" and your review will be visible on Google. THANKS!!
Google uses automated spam detection measures to remove reviews that are probably spam.
Google has no tolerance for fake reviews. Google may take down any review that we think is fake or that doesn’t follow Google's review policies
how do i leave a review & rating on Yelp?
Add a rating and review for Wolfgang & Isabella
To write a review you'll need to create a Yelp user account if you don't already have one.
Once you're logged in, you can locate Wolfgang and Isabella by using the search bar located at the top of any page on the website or from the search button on the app. Enter "Wolfgang and Isabella" in the first search window, and "Los Angeles, CA" in the second. There are also search filters you can use to narrow your results.
Once you've located the business page, it's simple: click or tap Write a Review and you'll be led through the remaining steps to finish.
Yelp uses automated spam detection measures to remove reviews that are probably spam.
Yelp has no tolerance for fake reviews, and may any review that we think is fake or that doesn’t follow their guidelines.
when is the next Give-a-Way?
We do our candle give-a-ways twice yearly. You do not have to attend or be present to win, but you must be a valid subscriber to our website at the time of drawing, and post a review on either Google or Yelp to enter to win. New and current email subscribers have an equal opportunity to win (Yes, past reviews are re-entered to win in every new drawing we do too!) Each review entry on Google or Yelp is checked and verified, with reviewers name entered onto paper for each review and for every photo they post. Example: If you post a review on Google and Yelp, that would be 2 entries. If you post a review on Google and one on Yelp that includes 2 photos of our products, that would be 4 entries.
All winners, including the winner of a Year of Candles are chosen by random drawing. Winners will be notified by email immediately following the drawing, but will also be announced via our website and e-mailers in the week following. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact winners, but in the event the winner does not respond within 1 week, winner forfeits his/her prize.
1 year of candles = 6 candles. No cash redemption or substitutions will be allowed. Candles must be picked up by the winner at our studio in downtown Los Angeles within 3 months or winner forfeits his/her prize. Winner gets choice of candles from those in stock and available.
See below for details on review entries.
Deadline to write a review to be entered in our NEXT Year of Candles give-a-way is November 14, 2020 at midnight PST. Winner to be drawn on November 15th.
Deadline to write a review to be entered in our NEXT Year of Candles give-a-way is November 14, 2020 at midnight PST. Winner to be drawn on November 15th.